I must say this month has been more than just an Ultimate Blog Challenge, it’s been a challenge to just get through each day. It’s been a month when I sit and stare and don’t know what to do next. It’s been a month of watching Snowball being lost without being able to snuggle in the chair with Pop. It’s been a month of wondering why and was there something I could have done. I would not have been able to get through this month without my daughter and her

April 29th is National Peace Rose Day. The inside of a Peace rose has light yellow to cream-colored petals with pink petals around the outside edges. It is a hybrid tea rose that is hardy, vigorous, and highly resistant to disease. Rich loved experimenting with his rose bushes and some would have beautiful mixed colors. This is one of our roses that I never know the name of but it looks similar to a Peace Rose. I love this photo I took in the early morning with dew drops on

A short blog today for Spiritual Sunday. This is a song sung today at Mass, Glory to God. A good song to just sit and reflect. May you all have a blessed week. CREDIT: YouTube – OLVchoir

Today is Silly Saturday and what better day to share some silly Saturday family pictures. With my older sister in Albany, NY and my younger sister in Maine it’s hard to get us all together at once. But in the summer of 2022 we made the drive from South Carolina to Albany while my younger sister drove down from Maine to meet up with our older sister in Albany. It was the first mini reunion we had in probably over 10 years! My sister Anne surprised Nancy and me with

How cool is it that National Kids and Pets Day is on Friday Story Time by Lia day! This is my last blog for the April Ultimate Blog Challenge and I’m sharing some pictures of Snowball with you. I got Snowball when I was almost 3 years old and he was three months old. Snowball just turned 3 years old on April 15th and he is my best friend. When mommy and I pull into Ma’s driveway Snowball is waiting at the door and so excited to see me. He

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